Character BuilderApplications Creation Graphique
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Character building can be as much fun as playing a game. This ‘utility' enables 32 of the Amstrad's characters to be defined easily and then butted together to form more complex pictures.

The built-in characters from 224 to 255 are first displayed and then the opportunity is given to adapt them, swap them, or create completely new ones. The definition values can be noted down and then used in your own programs using the ‘Symbol' command. Complete sets can be saved on tape to produce a library of useful characters.

Although many of the programs in this book have had characters designed for them, others use standard characters. With this character definer you can dramatically improve the appearance of these games. You may even wish to change all the ones in the book!

Because of the wide range of features in this editor, it may take a little time learning how to drive it. The following list of commands will provide a handy reference guide during your ‘Learner' period.

Character builder reference guide

After loading, the grid starts with the first character picked up. This may then be Edited. Cleared, or any of the following can be selected by pressing the first letter of the option.

Clear. This clears the grid completely.

Pick up. Asks for character number, then as the last digit is pressed that character will be transferred to the grid. It can then be Edited, Changed, etc.

Edit. Places the flashing cursor at the top left of the grid. It can then be moved around using cursor or joystick. Fire orcopy key will set or unset a point. When finished ‘Enter' is pressed. Then the number is required to transfer the pattern to.

Numbers. Asks for character to which the pattern will be assigned and then requires eight values, corresponding to the total for each line, starting at the top. This then generates the image directly. ‘Enter' terminates this option.

Mirror. Asks for character number then asks whether horizontal (swap left to right) or vertical (turn upside down). The result is shown in the grid. To store the new' character select ‘Edit' followed by‘Enter' and then the character number for allocation.

Vert shift. Asks ‘up' or ‘down'. Moves the definition up or down one row with wraparound.

Hor shift. As for Vert shift, but left or right. Wrapped lines may be edited out.

X-change. Asks for two characters and then swaps their definitions.

Build. Removes the grid and provides a 14 X 10 character area in which to test how the patterns look when fitted together. The character number is requested and then that pattern may be placed anywhere using the cursor pad or the joystick. The fire button orcopy key fixes a character. A new' character is selected by firmly pressing ‘space' and then entering the character number required. ‘Enter' leaves Build and returns to grid.

Save. Asks for a file name to save with, next ‘Play' and ‘Record' should be pressed, then ‘Enter' will save the current set.

Load. Asks for a file name to load, or if just ‘Enter' is pressed the first file found will be loaded.

Note that in this program ‘Escape' is disabled to prevent loss of data. Switch off to end.

★ YEAR: 1984


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» Applications » Character Designer (Amstrad Computer User)
» Applications » Charakternennung (CPC Amstrad International)
» Applications » New Character Sets (Amstrad Action)
» Applications » Big, big characters (Computing with the Amstrad)
» Applications » Rsx - Character Expansion (Popular Computing Weekly)
» Applications » Character Designer (Fotis Salmas)
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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.