Nevada Fortran (Computing With the Amstrad)Applications Programmation
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FEW would disagree that the least expensive product in a range is not necessarily the best value for money. Nevada Fortran, from Ellis Computing, USA, is by far the cheapest Fortran compiler on the market at just £39, with its nearest rival for CP/M machines easily topping the £200 mark.

With that sort of price differential it is hard to avoid saying that whatever the shortcomings of the product penniless programmers who need Fortran on a micro could do no better for their money.

Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir

Of course everything depends on requirements, and Nevada Fortran certainly has its deficiencies. Perhaps the worst of these is that it is slow -not only compared to its mainframe equivalents, but also to other micro-based compiled languages such as Turbo Pascal, see the bench mark timings in Figure I.

However many potential users are likely to need it less for autonomous software development than for editing and testing modules downloaded from a mini or mainframe, or written and debugged on a PCW or CPC6128, then uploaded.

Given the frustrating response time of many multi-user systems an objectively slow compilation and program execution under CP/M might well seem to some like an express train, quite apart from what a micro can offer in reducing the nervous strain caused by screen messages warning that allocated CPU time will imminently be exceeded.

It has to be said, however, that as a stand-alone language Nevada Fortran is somewhat restricted. It has no Link facility, so unlike some of its micro-based competitors such as MS-Fortran and Pro-Fortran, it does not come with a library of subroutines on disc, and all modules have to be compiled in one go.

It also produces threaded code -that is, it creates a CP/M executable file - with a .COM extension, by first loading a set of routines ready to be called from the assembled Object file.

on the PCW
(a) | (b)
on a Vax
Turbo Pascal
on the PCW
(a) | (b)
Bench mark 1. Bubble sort 100 integers sorted into ascending then descending order, four passes
Compile time33 | 114.51 | 1
Run time5 | 51.52 | 2
Bench mark 2. Prime sieve Sieve all prime numbers up to 2000
Compile time25 | 851 | 1
Run time22 | 220.50.5 | 0.5
Bench mark 3. Multiplication
Multiply two six-figure numbers 10,000 times
Compile and run time58 | 580.0521 | 21

As the program is executed it stitches together the original code and the routines sitting below it in memory. So, for instance, if the source contains an IF statement this is compiled into a subroutine call to the run-time module which performs it.

This is almost certainly why run times are so slow, but threaded code brings with it another disadvantage -the full run time package is loaded every time, regardless of what the Object code requires.

This means that all .COM files start with an overhead of 16k, a significant consideration on machines with 60k or less of TPA.

All in all if even moderate amounts of data have to be handled in RAM or if speed is of the essence Nevada Fortran is clearly not the language to choose for commercial software development on Amstrads. On the other hand it really comes into its own as a pocket companion to a marnframe compiler.

For a start it more or less conforms to ANSI X.39 1966 Fortran. We experienced no problems in transporting our test programs directly from a DEC VAX mainframe to a PCW where they ran without modification. We then edited and returned them to the mainframe, again with no difficulty whatsoever.

For those in the know it is worth mentioning that Nevada Fortran does not support double-precision and complex arithmetic, statement functions, subscripted subscripts and a few other sophisticated facilities specified in ANSI-66.

However it does have some features which go beyond the 1966 standards, including free-format I/O, extended error-handling and IF-THEN-ELSE, ENCODE and DECODE functions.

It also features a COPY statement for inserting source files into a program, direct in-line assembly language, random access to files and the ability to chain a series of programs.

As for the question of limited memory and disc storage on a micro this problem is partly solved by a run-time module which allows you to execute an Object file for testing purposes without creating a .COM file. And as a bonus the Object file itself is generated in very compact form, precisely because of the threaded code.

The documentation is clear, comprehensive and well organised, though as might be expected with a language aimed mainly at existing programmers it assumes familiarity with both Fortran and CP/M.

If Nevada Fortran seems to fit your needs one essential will be to invest in ED80, Hi-Soft's all-purpose code editor. It is too much trouble to load LocoScript, WordStar and so on every time you need to make modifications to the source code.

ED80 takes up only 8k of memory and has WordStar-compatible facilities including direct cursor addressing, side scrolling and dynamic block handling.

There can be no doubt that a total of £50 or so for compiler and editor represents outstanding value for money. As Amstrad machines, particularly the PCW, are increasingly used as mainframe terminals Nevada Fortran is bound to notch up substantial sales-and deservedly so.

Invented about 30 years ago by a group of IBM employees Fortran - FORmula TRANslation — soon became the world's most important high-level computer language for maths and engineering applications.

Its success and portability prompted the American National Standards Institute -ANSI - to set up specifications for Fortran compilers. Current implementations of the language are still defined in terms of ANSI standards, notably those of 1966 and 1977.

It has to be said that Fortran is weak in certain areas. Because it was not originally designed to have powerful input/output facilities its file processing capabilities are limited.

Equally, formatting conventions are far more rigid than those of more recent high-level languages. For example, column alignment is absolutely strict, dating back to a time when program lines were entered on 80 column punched cards.

Fortran does have its strengths however, and these lie principally in its ability to crunch large amounts of numeric data. It also lends itself very easily to a modular structure, and herein is the real explanation for why it continues to survive and prosper.

The knock-on effect of its modular structure is that users have access to a vast array of ready-written subroutines — if it can be done on a computer someone, somewhere, will have it done in Fortran. For mainframe implementations of the language, sizeable libraries of subroutines are readily available.

For this reason dislodging Fortran from its mainframe foothold would at present be an almost impossible task. You hear it disparaged even by those who use it daily, but you would get short shrift if you were to ask them to switch to another language.


★ PUBLISHER: Software Toolshop
★ YEARS: 1979 , 1980 , 1981 , 1982 , 1983 , 1986
★ CONFIG: 128K + CP/M
★ PRICE: £34.70


» Nevada  Fortran  v2.2DATE: 2013-08-04
DL: 248
SiZE: 56Ko
NOTE: CPM 2.2 bootloader/Extended DSK/40 Cyls

» Nevada  Fortran  v3.0  with  CPM  v2.2DATE: 2013-08-04
DL: 281
SiZE: 48Ko
NOTE: CPM 2.2 bootloader/Extended DSK/40 Cyls

» Nevada  Fortran  v3.0  with  CPM  v3DATE: 2013-08-04
DL: 303
SiZE: 64Ko
NOTE: CPM bootloader/Extended DSK/40 Cyls

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.