MESCC (Mike's Enhanced Small C Compiler)Applications Programmation
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 ★ This text is presented to you in its original version ★ 
 ★ Este texto se presenta en su versión original ★ 
 ★ Dieser Text wird in seiner Originalfassung präsentiert ★ 


The te text editor is small, humble, and useful.

It's screen oriented, and can be easily adapted to a lot of computers.

It's written in the C language, and there are ports for various
operating systems: CP/M, DOS, Windows and GNU/Linux.

Command line

It's simple:

te [filename]


te - To start an empty document
te notes.txt - To edit the document 'notes.txt'.

The screen layout

On the first screen line, you will see - ie:

te: NOTES.TXT - The file name of the document your are editing.

And something like:

Lin:0015/0042/0512 Col:32/90 Len:36

The numbers following 'Lin' are:

  • 0015 - The line number you are editing right now.
  • 0042 - The current total number of lines.
  • 0512 - The maximum number of lines.

The numbers following 'Col' are:

  • 32 - The column number on which you are.
  • 90 - The number of screen columns.

And, finally, the number following 'Len' is:

  • 36 - The length of the current line.

On the last screen line, you will see program messages.

The options menu

You can enter to the menu, by pressing the ESCAPE key, as shown in the messages line:

Press [EXIT] to show the menu.

Note that the name of your ESCAPE key may change, depending of the program adaptation.

The options are:

  • New - To start a new document
  • Open - To open a document
  • Save - To save the current document
  • save As - To save the current document under another filename.
  • Help - To show the help screen.
  • aBout te - To show some te information.
  • eXit te - To quit the program.

You can select an option by pressing the character in uppercase.

To leave the menu, you must press ESCAPE.

If you start a new document, the 'Save' option will redirect to you to the 'save As' option.

The help screen will show the keyboard configuration, that depends of the program adaptation.

File backup

Each time a file is saved, te does a backup of the previous file contents if it exists.

It is renamed as 'te.bkp'.


The program adaptation is done by editing a small source code file.

In this file, you must specify the control characters that your keyboard send, the help contents, and complete a few C functions to clear the screen, etc.

As there are some adaptations already done, it's possible that your machine is already included between them.

If not, don't worry, you can start from a similar adaptation.

See the source code files for more information.

Current CP/M adaptations are:

  • Amstrad PCW and CP/M Plus (31x90 VT52 like terminal).
  • Amstrad CPC and CP/M Plus (24x80 VT52 like terminal).
  • Spectrum +3 and CP/M Plus (23x51 VT52 like terminal).
  • K. Murakami's CP/M emulator (25x80 VT100/Ansi).
  • Takeda Toshiya's CP/M emulator (25x80 VT100/Ansi).
  • Generic 25x80 VT100 and WordStar keys.
  • Kaypro II, 4 and 10 (24x80 ADM-3A like terminal), contributed by Stephen S. Mitchell (thanks!).

Adaptations for other OS are:

  • — Windows 32 bit (25x80), compiled with Pelles C and its 'conio.h' library.
  • — DOS (25x80), compiled with Turbo C, and its 'conio.h' library.
  • — GNU/Linux (24x80), compiled with GCC and ncurses.


This program is freeware, and it's licensed under the GPL license.

See the file 'copying.txt' for more details.

★ PUBLISHER: FloppySoftware
★ YEARS: 2015 , 2021
★ CONFIG: 128K + CP/M
★ AUTHOR: Miguel Garcia


» MESCC-Mike  s  Enhanced  Small  C  Compiler  v1.23    ENGLISHDATE: 2021-01-13
DL: 150
SiZE: 307Ko

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.