Amstrad Computer User
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Brief Summary

This program is in two sections. The first comprises lines 10-840 and draws the computer and colour monitor as an introduction to the second part of the program which is the game itself. The program could be shortened if desired by deleting lines 10-870. Lines 880-2660 comprises the game of "FLASHMAN". The player moves a figure about the screen using the cursor keys or a joystick.
The object is to reach the top of the screen, starting from the bottom before 'Flashman' is hit by randomly produced 'cosmic rays'. These rays also clear the way through a block structure for Flashman to move (he cannot move into a square coloured black).
Points are awarded throughout the game which has five levels of various sounds and three melodies. Use is made of interrupt commands (EVERY/DI/EI) as well as WHILE/WEND.

Full instructions are printed at the start of the game.

Program in Detail

Line 50 Left in for convenience, programs decimal point key for listing purposes. Lines 60-850 Draw computer/monitor and introductory heading.
Line 860 Produces different coloured inks on the monitor screen in the drawing.
Lines 890-1060 Draws introductory screen plays a tune. Draws instruction screens.
Lines 960-1000 Establishes starting point for various levels of game.
Lines 1010-1230 Draws in main screen (black block structure on white back ground, flashing character, score, fazers left). Establishes interrupt routine for cosmic rays. Plays another tune prior to start of play.
Lines 1250-1700 Main loop. Controls character movement, using EI/DI, 'TEST' for limiting movement, tests for reaching top of screen, etc. Score altered with movements.
Lines 1720-1800 'Cosmic Rays'routine. Use of 'Z' variable in first line allows avoidence of routine when denied at certain points in the program. Random production of 20 locations on screen. Red ink and sound to represent ray bombardement. Test to see if ray has hit 'Flashman', or to jumps the routine below.
Lines 1820-1840 'Failure' routine. Interrupt avoided (Z=0), while/wend loop completed (E=21). Explosion sound and red/yellow inks. "Sinking" sound. Program re-started at line 960.
Lines 1860-1980 'Success'routine. Interrupt has been avoided (Z = 0) in line 1510. "Winning' sound. Screen prints up 'YOU MADE IT'. Bonus score 50 points added. Data for second melody 'restored'before game restarted at next level or if already at level 5 -goes to "Home" routine (below).
Lines 2000-2020 Routine called from early in program, draws opening screen, etc.
Lines 2040-2180 Routine called from early in program, draws instruction screens, etc.
Lines 2200-2420 'Home' routine. Draws find screen.
Adds bonus 500 points to score, prints find score. Gives option to play again if desired or end program.
Lines 2440-2660 Three sound subroutines as called from earlier in the program plus DATA. Some envelopes were defined at the beginning of the program.

ACU #8503



★ YEAR: 1985


» Flashman    (Amstrad  Computer  User)    LISTING    ENGLISHDATE: 2021-08-17
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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.