CPC Computing
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SOMEBODY once said: "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Well, every rule has its exceptions, and this is one of them! We're giving away the biggest beefiest magazine cassette ever. It's packed with demos of commercial programs, previously unpublished games, and samples of the standard of utility listing we're famous for. There's plenty to look at, play with and use, so send off that card right now. You don't even have to pay the postage!

And remember, if you don't have access to a tape deck, for a paltry £1.50 - that's less than the price of a blank 3in floppy - you can have a disc version. The offer's only open in the UK, and the closing date for applications to arrive is November 30.

What you'll find on your FREE CPC Computing tape

Psycho Pig UXB
US Gold

COOKING bacon is one thing, cooking it while it's still on the hoof and trying to cook you is another! In this dastardly tale of mass por-cicide your task is to clear the screen of your fellow pigs.
After selecting the controls - joystick or user-defined keys - and one or two-player game, it's time to fry. Scattered around are bombs, all on timers. Walking over one picks it up, and pressing Fire sends it towards another player. Get it right, and he'll be blown to bits. Get it wrong, and you may end up with a burning (literally) desire to go flying. All in horribly bad taste, but fun. The music's good, too.

If you want to play further levels and stop US Gold's little ad popping up, turn to page 62 for details of how to order the full version at a special price.


SINCE its introduction, the Protext word processor has attracted praise from many quarters, and our demonstration lacks only the save and print options. Protext loads in two parts. First comes a short Basic program which can be modified to set up inks, key definitions and so on. This loads the main Protext binary file. You can then switch between Basic and Protext at will, and provided you don't load a Basic program while text is in memory your file will be preserved unless you type NEW.

Run the demo version, type i P to get into Protext, and then:


to load the instruction file. Press Escape to get into edit mode, and move round the document with the cursor keys. The file includes further instructions and information.

Protext is available on tape or disc, but imagine the convenience of having it on a rom! You don't need to load the word processor, just type i P at any time and you're there instantly. You also get the benefit of around 40k text space, and the rombox opens the possibility of expansion with further add-on roms. Turn to page 35 for a special deal on rom software and the Rombo rom box.

by Robin Nixon

THIS superb utility is for editing Mode 0 screens on a pixel-by-pixel basis. When you run the program you'll be presented with a menu, and from here you can load or save screens, change inks, and get into editing mode.

To change ink values select the appropriate option, and press the key corresponding to the ink you want to change. The left and right cursor keys select black (colour 0) and white (colour 26), and the up and down arrow keys move forwards and backwards through the colour range. Press Return/Enter when you're done, and as each ink can have two colours to cater for flashing you'll need to repeat the process for the second value. Select the same colour twice if you don't want the ink to flash.

In edit mode the screen you have loaded will be displayed. If you haven't loaded one, you'll see random colours. The Copy key in conjunction with the four arrow keys selects the current plotting colour. With Control they move the window around the screen, with Shift they scroll the contents of the window, and by themselves they move the plotting cursor.

The spacebar plots a pixel, Clr hides the window, Tab returns you to the menu, and Escape takes you back to Basic. Although Pixelator is easy to use, it's an invaluable tool for detailed screen editing. If you typed in the original, the tape version has the problem with loading edited screens into Basic fixed.

by Robin Nixon

REMEMBER the smash hit arcade machine Asteroids? I must've spent a small fortune on interplanetary rock crushing, so I decided to write my own version to keep me from bankruptcy and probably breaking rocks for real.

All you have to do is clear each screen of rogue asteroids, after which you'll progress to a new problem area. When your ship first appears it's blue for a few seconds to allow you to find a safe position, and during this time you won't be killed or able to fire. After that your rocket turns white, and it's no holds barred! The control keys are shown on the title screen, and you'll even find some digitized sound effects.

Prism Leisure

IN his review in the October issue of CPC Computing Jon Revis found Hotshot incredibly addictive, and gave it the coveted Silver Award. Prism has generously donated level one of this novel and exciting game, convinced that when you've tried it you'll want the full version. So are we, so there's a special offer on page 51!

You'll need a joystick to play the demonstration, and you can compete against the computer or watch it play itself. Press the spacebar when prompted, and you'll see a countdown against player one. If you want to be in control, press Fire and enter your name. If you want the CPC to be that player, let the countdown get to zero. Allow the countdown for player two to reach zero so the CPC takes that side. On the full version, player two can be another human making this a true two-player game.

The idea is to get as many points as possible and beat your opponent. You score by knocking blocks out from above your man, robot, or alien. By holding the fire button down you can attract the ball to your launcher and subsequently launch it. Beware, getting hit by the ball in any place other than on your nozzle means instant death, and if you do catch it there's a limit to how long you can hold it.

There are lots of twists and turns in the gameplay, for instance try shooting the ball up the central hole, against the floor, or even your opponent.

by Ian Sharpe

THIS previously unpublished listing is my version of the well-known Russian arcade game. From the top of the screen descends a series of shapes. Each one scores a point when it appears, and the object, of course, is to score as many points as possible.

The game ends when the pile reaches the top of the screen, so the skill lies in manœuvring the current shape to lock into the earlier ones in the most compact way. This is achieved by moving the shape left or right with the arrow keys, and rotating it with the spacebar. If you manage to get an unbroken line of blocks across the playing area, it will disappear creating more room.

Once during a shape's descent you may pause it by pressing the up arrow key, and if you're sure it's correctly positioned you can zap it down quickly with the down cursor key. The speed at which the action takes place gradually increases, so this is a test of both your reflexes and logical powers.

Not bad for what would have been just over a page of listing. I hope you like it!

by Roland Waddilove

DRAWING circles from Basic is always slow, so here's a machine code utility that does the job in a flash. After running the program move the graphics cursor to the circle's centre, and use the |CIRCLE command like this:

MOVE ox,oy

Circle can draw ovals as well, and rx and ry are the horizontal and vertical radii. The value of pen is the plotting colour.

by Keith Denham

THE problem with Basic's trace function - TRON - is that it prints the line numbers all over the screen, obscuring the output from your program. This clever utility intercepts TRON's output and keeps it in one place - the bottom left of wherever you've defined window seven. Trace looks for the opening and closing square brackets round the line numbers, so you should ensure that your program doesn't print these to the screen.

The other nice thing about Trace is that it allows you to step through your program a line at a time. After a line has executed it waits for you to press the Tab key before going on to the next.

After running the utility, whenever you use TRON follow it with:

CALL &9700

and when you use TROFF you need to disable Trace with:

CALL &970C

A word of warning to disc drive owners. While in operation Trace works in such a way that tape filing is constantly being selected. Therefore you shouldn't access the disc with Trace activated, and you need to use |DISC to re-enable the disc drive.

If you want to escape from a program with the utility enabled, you should press Escape twice before pressing Tab.

by Chris Nixon

WITH apologies to all those who typed it in and got it right, we're continuing to receive so many letters from people who couldn't that we decided to settle the argument once and for all, if only to keep the editor off the ceiling when reading each morning's post! The program on tape is exactly the same as the one printed in the magazine.

In case you missed the July 1988 issue, here's a quick run down. Letter Head Designer allows you to design letter heads to enhance your stationery. It takes the form of a mini screen editor which allows you to include text, boxes, lines and so on. Then you can dump the result to your Epson-compatible dot matrix printer.

The program is controlled by means of a series of icons. Reading from top left to bottom right, these are:

Move cursor
Draw line
Select font
Draw box
Write mode

The Copy key or joystick fire button selects most options in the program, so you should find it virtually self explanatory. If not, the July 1988 issue is available on the order form on page 53.
THE CPC464 doesn't have a fill command. The CPC664/6128 does, but it is only capable of a single colour fill. My version allows you to fill shapes with patterns of your own design - rapidly.

In fact there are four files on the tape: patfill.bas

This installs the machine code required to run the utility. You don't need it in place to run the designer, but you do need it for the demo. To use it, move the graphics cursor to a point within the shape to be filled, and:

CALL &9000,pw,ph,@pat$

where pw and ph are the width and height of the pattern in pixels, and pat$ contains the pattern to use. The graphics origin must be at 0,0 and to design patterns, use:


You are presented with an editing grid. Use the up and down cursor keys with Shift to select the plotting colour, and the spacebar to plot a point.

The pattern fill utility will crash if your pattern contains two or more pixels of the background colour vertically adjacent. Remember that the top and bottom edges will be next to each other when the pattern is repeated.

Plot your pattern in the top left of the editing area, and when you've finished, press Tab. Hack off unused areas to the right and below the grid with the moving lines, and press Tab again. The pattern will be written to tape/disc, ready to merge into a Basic program.

Study the file eye and the demonstration patdem.bas to see how these relate.

DGA Software

COULD this program be the key to thrashing the bookies? This is what reviewer Mike Cowley said in the October issue of CPC Computing'. "After comparing Pro-Punter with my own selections for one month, the package had seven out of ten winners to my two. Bookies beware..."

After loading the program follow the menu options in numerical order to see the type of information you would need to input before a race. Finally, go to option six on the menu to see Pro-Punter's recommendations.

And when you've done that, you've got a chance to win the full system. Turn to page 13 for our free-to-enter £575 competition.


IF you've been following my mini series on sprite programming, you'll probably be wanting to try your hand at designing your own. To save a lot of typing, we've managed to fit all three programs from this month's article on to the tape.

The demonstration invaders program is saved as spr-inv.bas, and the associated sprite data file as spr-demo.bin.


WEATHERLINK is just one of the many services available through MicroLink, the UK's leading electronic mail service. With Weather-Link you can download daily updated satellite pictures of Great Britain and display them on your CPC's screen.

On the tape is the program to decode the files downloaded from MicroLink, plus some demonstration screens - wmap1, and wmap2. Just run wlink, and when prompted enter the filename of the map you wish to load.

CPC Computing


★ YEAR: 1988
★ LiCENCE: ???



Dump cassette (originale):
» CPC  Computing  88-11    ENGLISHDATE: 2020-07-04
DL: 221
SiZE: 148Ko
NOTE: Dumped by Johnny Farragut ; CSW2CDT-20191102
.CDT: 2

Dumps disquettes (originale):
» CPC  Computing  88-11    ENGLISHDATE: 2021-05-22
DL: 186
SiZE: 163Ko
NOTE: Dumped by Johnny Farragut for CPCmaniaco ; Extended DSK/42 Cyls

» CPC  Computing  88-11    ENGLISHDATE: 2020-09-30
DL: 203
SiZE: 1681Ko
NOTE: Dumped by Johnny Farragut ; SuperCard Pro/KF-SCP

» CPC  Computing  88-11    (Release  DISC)    ENGLISHDATE: 2021-12-13
DL: 100
TYPE: image
SiZE: 77Ko
NOTE: w931*h588

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.