Amstrad ActionHappy Computer
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Quite frankly, I hate this game. The Pilg simply will not countenance the mind-boggling level of crass ineptitude and paranoia that slowly but surely overwhelms the player in this, the latest Infocom masterpiece. By gad, sir! It shouldn't be allowed! That Douglas Adams chappie should be clapped in irons!

Let me tell you the whole, the horrible, the hideous truth. It all starts like this...

You have just received a lener from your new employer Happitec, to tell you that the company is laying on a free tnp to Paris. It's also sending you a cheque for $75 spending money. All you have to do is take the letter to your local travel agent, who will exchange it for an air ticket. Then you grab a taxi to the airport and you're away! You lucky devil, you...

That is where the nightmare begins. You see, there has been this teensy-weensy spot of bother with the bank. On starting work for Happitec. you moved to a new address and... ooops!... the bank seems to have mislaid your change-of-address slip. So it has sent all your documents to the wrong address... and it has cancelled your credit cards because it hasn't heard from you. No sweat, mate, you think, just grab Happitec's cheque and skedaddle off to Paris. Son the mess out when your return.

Ho no, clever dick. Things ain't that easy. You see. the local mail system seems to be suffering somewhat, and your precious cheque has also been delivered to the wrong address. So off you go to find it.

As soon as you load up the game, all the inefficiencies and paranoias of our super-stream lined 20th-century society make themselves evident. To start with, you must fill in an on-screen license registration form (the first of many absurd bits of documentation) for the program itself. The form asks you for the names of your lovers, and passes rude comments about you and your personal attributes. It also refuses to fill itself in in the correct order. It is, in fact, just the son of form we're accustomed to dealing with in everyday life.

You must then get the better of a hungry llama, an ancient matron with an elephant gun. and a highly unpredictable subscriber to Popular Paranoia magazine. This latter gentleman lives down the road in a house painted brown and green (for camouflage) and believes that yogun is the breeding ground for all major modern diseases. As you approach his gate, he announces through the intercom, "Unfortunately I've got a radio connected to my brain" -and if you don't have the right reply to this and later equally insane remarks you'll find yourself stitched up by machine-gun fire. Ah well... neighbours! If it weren't that you needed to check up on their mail deliveries (in search of your cheque) you could do well without them.

By the way. I won't give you an excuse to slit your wnsts at this stage by telling you that the cheque when you eventually get it -is quite useless. Ooops...

Add to all this a game which features an infuriating cab company who won't take credit cards, a mad stamp-collector, a fast-food restaurant that gives you the exact opposite of what you ordered (if you're lucky), a travelling nerd who keeps trying to sell you a "universal interface" and a parrot that chants fascist slogans and has a deep appreciation of Mikhail Gorbachov (or Ronald Reagan its tastes change with each game), and you've got a very trying game. And all that's only the beginning...

You should by now have some idea why I hate this game so much, and why I am still playing it! The awful thing is that I simply have to urge you to go out and buy it... just keep the aspirin ready during play.



Interactive fiction game written by Douglas Adams
Author(s): ???

★ PRICE: £34.95 disk

★ YEAR: 1987



» The  Status  Line    Volume  5-Number  1  (Winter  1986)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 3223
SiZE: 1146Ko
NOTE: 9 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  5-Number  3  (Summer  1986)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 4932
SiZE: 1380Ko
NOTE: 16 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  5-Number  4  (Fall  1986)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 4683
SiZE: 562Ko
NOTE: 8 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  5-Number  4  (Spring  1986)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 3615
SiZE: 1169Ko
NOTE: 13 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  6-Number  1  (Winter-Spring  1987)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 5529
SiZE: 1109Ko
NOTE: 16 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  6-Number  2  (Summer  1987)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 3273
SiZE: 1849Ko
NOTE: 16 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  6-Number  3  (Fall  1987)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 3117
SiZE: 1391Ko
NOTE: 17 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  6-Number  4  (Winter  1987)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 3212
SiZE: 1823Ko
NOTE: 16 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  7-Number  1  (Winter-Spring  1988)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 3331
SiZE: 1461Ko
NOTE: 17 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  7-Number  2  (Summer  88)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 4809
SiZE: 1806Ko
NOTE: 12 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  7-Number  3  (Fall  1988)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 2873
SiZE: 2093Ko
NOTE: 12 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» The  Status  Line    Volume  8-Number  1  (Spring  89)    ENGLISHDATE: 2012-04-01
DL: 3013
SiZE: 1021Ko
NOTE: 8 pages/PDFlib v1.3

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.