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NEW HACK FOR ALLIGATA'S "DEFEND OR DIE" --------------------------------------- The classic "Defend Or Die" by Alligata (1985) is the magnificent version that we can enjoy on Amstrad CPC of the "Defender" arcade developed by Williams Electronics in 1980. Distribution for microcomputers was made by Amsoft/Indescomp in 1985.
The programming (in assembler) was carried out by Nick Vincent (CPC), achieving a fast software scroll through almost full screen, excluding a marker line at the top and an area for the radar or map. He achieved a great rate of fire, enemies, particles on the screen, despite using the firmware for everything (slower) and even so Vincent gives the game the freneticism that has little or nothing to envy of the arcade.
Personally, the only "downside" I find with this game is the great difficulty of the chosen controls. In the original arcade, the Joystick only moves the ship up and down, having a button to accelerate and another to reverse direction. We also have the fire button, the bomb button and hyperspace to teleport to other areas of the map.
These same controls have been retained and have been implemented in Amstrad on fixed keys located in very convoluted positions. At least for a "one-armed" xD person like me, I never got used to it. In Joystick we can change direction and accelerate with Right-Left, but the 2nd fire button only duplicates the 1st. With which, we are without bombs. As if the game wasn't difficult in itself.
Therefore, the machine code has been disassembled, analyzed and support for the two Joystick buttons has been added. The 2nd fire button now throws the bombs.
Also in the menu, the Keyboard Redefinition option has been programmed. You can also redefine a Joystick-Keyboard mix, e.g. bringing Hyperspace (H) closer to the SPC. Now the redefinition calls for the Left-Right actions, instead of the ship's Shift and Direction Change (SPC), in the original. That behavior has been reprogrammed.
I hope that now this fantastic game is somewhat more accessible and enjoyable! ??
All the best!
Enrique Buzón
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