RSX Help (Computing With the Amstrad) | Applications Divers |
The number of roms available for the Amstrad is increasing all the time and it's quite easy to forget what you've acutally got in your rombox. It's even harder to remember the names of all those extra commands, never mind what they actually do. Help is a useful utility which when run adds two RSXs — |ROMS and |HELP. The first prints a list of ROM numbers and their type. They can be either foreground, background, extension or Basic. Basic appears in all empty sockets. The ROM type is found by looking at byte 0 of the ROM at address &C000. A 0 indicates a foregound, 1 a background and 2 an extension ROM. Basic is marked by having bit 7 set. The second command |HELP is a bit more intelligent than |ROMS, printing out a list of the commands that the ROM will accept. It needs an extra parameter to tell it which ROM to look at. The disc ROM is always number 7 so: |HELP,7will print the disc commands.The command names are all stored in a table somewhere in the ROM and the address of the table is found by looking at bytes 4 and 5 at &C004/5. The names are stored as Ascii strings with the last letter of each command marked by having bit 7 set. The end of the table is marked by a zero byte.