It has been a while since we last published an art package. This one from Robert is long but then it's very slick. SmART uses a cut down WIMP environment - windows, icons and pointer are present. The mouse is missing. Rather than moving the pointer with a mouse, you can use either keys or joystick. The program is set up to work with a joystick. If you wish to use keys then change the variable ke=0 (in line 1050) to ke=l. On screen you're treated to an assortment of icons a id a large blank area. The blank area is the drawing board. The icons - starting from top right - allow you to draw lines, boxes, circles, vary the thickness of lines and fill areas with a chosen stipple (of which there arc 18 displayed at the bottom of the screen). Colours are selected by pressing f0 , f1 , f2 and f3 on the keypad. To select on option simply move the pointer (in the shape of a pen) over the required function. Then press fire (or the copy key). At the top of the drawing area are four options: save (the current screen), load (a previously designed screen), quit and clear (the screen). TAU |