IntactApplications Bureautique
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Standing alone the accounts package is an impressive piece of work. It has a fair amount of flexibility and the company suggest that it would worth while having a chat with your accountant to see how best to take advantage of the various features. Certainly if it is set up to work correctly from the word go your accountant's life would be made considerably easier.

This system does not need certain account numbers reserved for VAT accounting or debtors and creditors control, as in some other programs.

It makes a great effort to catch any mistakes -something always useful in an accounts package where any mistake that actually makes its way on to the disc will live to haunt you for some time.

Details of customers are loaded in in reasonable detail. As well as the standard name and address and telephone number there is space for a description of the type of business, a list of contacts in the firm and a classification for an address type.

There is a facility for setting up one classification to allow the user to call up all the customers in one particular area or a particular type of customer. This can be set up and changed as required and it is not too difficult to call up the list of classifications when you forget what a 'Z' customer is.

A short form of the company name is also asked for, which can then be used to call up records for viewing, printing labels and contact lists of varying descriptions and detail. This short name can then be used to trace this customer through the rest of the module (in the sales ledger for example). This would seem to be very handy unless you happen to forget what the short form is and the classification it comes under in which case you have call up the whole ledger to find that particular record again. Mind you the Cavalier package is obviously for organised people who would not be likely to forget such valuable information.

'Creating' customers

Once your customers have been, in the words of the manual, 'created' (does God know about this?) the accounts section can swing into action allowing invoices to be posted, along with the more rewarding task of keeping track of the cheques and cash coming in.

Statements can easily be called up using the short name or the account number. And of course you can quickly call up the one account most users should be watching, the list of debtors. A handy feature here is an easily placed query marker which can be set against an entry in the sales ledger where there is some sort of problem or special arrangement. This could save you the embarrassment of chasing bad debts if, for instance, the customer is awaiting a credit note or the credit terms have been extended.

Balance the entries The situation in the purchase ledger is identical except you have to 'create' your suppliers. If you have your default accounts set up the program will tell you automatically the relevant account in the nominal or general ledger that any entry should go to.

You can move easily into the nominal ledger section itself where you can post journal entries to the ledger (which have to balance first) and move and allocate entries over other accounts. Throughout this process a sub-total is displayed to make it easy to see what you are doing. You can also select an option to enter details into the cash book.

Deciphering it all

Those who understand these things can put their fingers on all the relevant information to analyse the company's performance in a variety of ways. There would seem to be enough here to keep the accountants happy with Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Fixed Assets,

Depreciation, Stock Balance and Property Accounts.

The last option in this section allows for the cleaning up of the accounts, audit reports, trial balances, closing the nominal ledger at whatever regular period takes your fancy and the end of year closing of the nominal accounts.

On the unexpanded 8256 there is not room to carry this section directly on to memory and in fact for anyone hoping to use the entire package it would be advisable having the bigger memory. That means that the whole lot could be fed in first thing in the morning and there would be no need to be constantly switching discs especially as the discs themselves could be better marked to help the new user.

8000 Plus

★ PUBLISHERS: Cavalier Software & Load & Run
★ YEAR: 1987
★ AUTHOR(S): ???
★ PRICE: £59.95


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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.